Corrosion Control Solutions

MedeaTec ofers services for diagnosis, inspection and control the internal, external and atmospheric corrosion threat:

  • Corrosion mechanisms and critical locations assessment
  • Inspection, mitigation and monitoring programs
  • ECDA / ICDA Inspection
  • Failure analysis
  • Chemical treatment selection
  • Microbiologically influed corrosion studies

Our services are developed by certified profesionals, aligned with aplicable regulations and best industry practices.

OMEGA - Corrosion Control Tools

Internal Corrosion Module

  • Manage information related to Fluid, operation, coupons/probes, chemicat treatment, internal cleaning, inspections, among others.
  • KPI panels to follow up monitoring divices and fluid corrosivity
  • Corrosion Velocity Calculations

External Corrosion Module

  • Manage information related to soil corrosivity, cathodic protection, monitoring divices, inspections, among others.
  • KPI panels to follow up and integrate information from cathodic protection levels, coating faults and in-line-inspection.